Interview: David Brunnbauer
David Brunnbauer ist Mode- und Produktdesigner. Sein Label definiert sich als multidisziplinäres Designstudio mit starkem Fokus auf Innovation und Materialmanipulation. Ziel ist nicht, konventionelle, "hübsche" Kleidungsstücke herzustellen, sondern kühne Designs zu schaffen, die gängige Ideale herausfordern.
Im Interview verrät David, was ihn fasziniert, zu welchem Song er am liebsten durch die Straßen mäandert, woran er gerade arbeitet und wie wichtig es ist, eine eigene Meinung zu haben.
Who are you, what do you do and what drives you?
My name is David Brunnbauer and I’m an Austrian fashion and product designer. I currently work in innovation and performance design and on my own collection. The fusion of state-of-the-art technology with archaic, manual techniques is something that absolutely fascinates me. After nearly 10 years abroad I’m based in Vienna and absolutely adore the living quality here :).
If the street was your catwalk, which soundtrack would you choose?
It would definitely be Letta Mbulu’s brilliant song “Nomalizo”. No other song makes me slowly meander through the concrete jungle like a river with no destination.
What´s your Go-To Piece of the moment?
I’m currently working on these fish leather accessories and I’m absolutely obsessed with this material! I love the texture of the scales, making the glove look like dragon skin or something from a mystical world. Also the fact that the fish skin is a complete by-product and would otherwise end up in the bin.
What´s the most important thing you are looking for in fashion?
To me the most important thing in fashion is a point of view! To have an opinion – something more than just trying to produce sleek looks and cater towards merchandising directors and social media. I also love creatives that really found their niche and create for their own community.
Which fashion movie is your fave?
One of my all time favourites will forever be science-fiction masterpiece The Fifth Element by Luc Besson. I simply love the wild mix of costumes designed by Jean Paul Gaultier.
What makes a person fashionable?
Confidence and kindness! I find nothing more fashionable than people that carry themselves with ease.
What will never be out of fashion?
I would say desperation (lol).
Which story do the clothes you design tell?
I hope they tell the story of being touched by human hands! Also, I want to push fabrication and material manipulation to a level where it becomes difficult to tell what processes have been used on the garments.
Fotocredits: David Brunnbauer, imago images / Allstar
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