Kenneth Ize
Fashion Award of the City of Vienna 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 10.000,-
Silke Geppert
Fashion and Textile Curator, MAK, Lecturer in Fashion History and Fashion Theory, University of Salzburg
Yoshimitsu Kosai
Founder and Owner, Doshaburi
Song Pham
Owner, 10 Lines Consulting, Retail and Buying Consultant
Isabelle Steger
Creative Consultant
Fotocredits: Miguel Verra

Fashion Award of the City of Vienna 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 10.000,-
Silke Geppert
Fashion and Textile Curator, MAK, Lecturer in Fashion History and Fashion Theory, University of Salzburg
Yoshimitsu Kosai
Founder and Owner, Doshaburi
Song Pham
Owner, 10 Lines Consulting, Retail and Buying Consultant
Isabelle Steger
Creative Consultant
Fotocredits: Miguel Verra
AFA Support Collection 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 16.000,-
Yasmina Haddad
Photographer, Lecturer in Photography and Time-based Media, Die Angewandte, Lecturer, Basel Academy of Art and Design
Michael Steingruber
Head of Department, Rondo/Lifestyle, Der Standard
Monica Titton
Sociologist, Lecturer, Fashion Department, Die Angewandt
Simon Winkelmüller
Fotocredits: Leke Alabi Isama

AFA Support Collection 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 16.000,-
Yasmina Haddad
Photographer, Lecturer in Photography and Time-based Media, Die Angewandte, Lecturer, Basel Academy of Art and Design
Michael Steingruber
Head of Department, Rondo/Lifestyle, Der Standard
Monica Titton
Sociologist, Lecturer, Fashion Department, Die Angewandt
Simon Winkelmüller
Fotocredits: Leke Alabi Isama
AFA support collection 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 8.000,-
Brigitte Winkler
Fashion Journalist
Alexa Bondi de Antoni
Editor, ID Germany
Arne Eberle
PR-Expert, Arne Eberle Press+Sales
Martin Sulzbacher
Head of Pre Collection, WRTW Loewe
Fotocredits: Kadara Enyeasi

AFA support collection 2014
Grant Amount
EUR 8.000,-
Brigitte Winkler
Fashion Journalist
Alexa Bondi de Antoni
Editor, ID Germany
Arne Eberle
PR-Expert, Arne Eberle Press+Sales
Martin Sulzbacher
Head of Pre Collection, WRTW Loewe
Fotocredits: Kadara Enyeasi

Kenneth Ize