House of the Very Island’s


outstanding artist award for experimental fashion design 2014

Grant Amount

EUR 10.000,-


Silke Geppert

Fashion and Textile Curator, MAK, Lecturer in Fashion History and Fashion Theory, University of Salzburg

Yoshimitsu Kosai

Founder and Owner, Doshaburi

Song Pham

Owner, 10 Lines Consulting, Retail und Buying Consultant

Isabelle Steger

Creative Consultant

Fotocredits: Christian Benesch, Austrian Fashion Association

outstanding artist award for experimental fashion design 2014

Grant Amount

EUR 10.000,-


Silke Geppert

Fashion and Textile Curator, MAK, Lecturer in Fashion History and Fashion Theory, University of Salzburg

Yoshimitsu Kosai

Founder and Owner, Doshaburi

Song Pham

Owner, 10 Lines Consulting, Retail und Buying Consultant

Isabelle Steger

Creative Consultant

Fotocredits: Christian Benesch, Austrian Fashion Association

AFA support international focus 2014

Grant Amount

EUR 12.000,-


Brigitte Winkler

Fashion Journalist

Alexa Bondi de Antoni

Editor, ID Germany

Arne Eberle

PR-Expert, Arne Eberle Press+Sales

Martin Sulzbacher

Head of Pre Collection, WRTW Loewe

Fotocredits: Christian Benesch

AFA support international focus 2014

Grant Amount

EUR 12.000,-


Brigitte Winkler

Fashion Journalist

Alexa Bondi de Antoni

Editor, ID Germany

Arne Eberle

PR-Expert, Arne Eberle Press+Sales

Martin Sulzbacher

Head of Pre Collection, WRTW Loewe

Fotocredits: Christian Benesch

House of the Very Island’s

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