Nailgasm. Manicure, Fashion & Society

With NAILGASM. Manicure, Fashion & Society, the Austrian Fashion Association explored the phenomenon of nail art from various perspectives.

April 13th, 2023 - April 27th, 2023, AFA Space.

The exhibition NAILGASM. Manicure, Fashion & Society positioned the artful design of fingernails as wearables infused with meaning, relating them to contemporary fashion, and exploring the cultural and sociopolitical dimensions of this beauty practice. It showcased the diverse topics that can be expressed through designed nails.

The exhibition featured nail objects resulting from collaborations between Austrian fashion labels amaaena, Jennifer Milleder, Mit Stress, Ordained Hardware, and Published By with nail artists Anna Skvortsova from absolutely fabulous, Greta Wenko from couldbeyournails2, Iris Praßl from fest.genagelt, and Natasha Yelavik from sehr_extra_basic.

Additionally, the exhibition presented the five-part photo series Ballerina or Coffin by Austrian photographer Martina Lajczak, which explores the nail salon as a space between wellness, hygiene, and self-optimization. The series reflects on themes such as working conditions, social status, and power structures.

The exhibition was complemented by a nail art workshop and the online talk “Beyond the Aesthetics” with Dr. Nigel Lezama, a lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, and Viviane Lee Hsu a.k.a. Cyshimi, a transdisciplinary artist working in Brazil.

For NAILGASM, floral designer Alma Bektas from Helikorija created a special floral installation.

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