Published By on the relation­ship between nature, tech­nology, crafts­manship, and design:

How to fashion

HOW TO FASHION is a project by the Austrian Fashion Association in cooperation with the Wirtschaftsagentur Vienna.

In the fourth episode of the video series HOW TO FASHION, Christoph Tsetinis, Creative Director and founder of the Vienna-based accessory label, Published By and Managing Director Ruby Wallen discuss the connection between nature, technology, craftsmanship, and design, their collaboration, and aspects of sustainability.

Trained carpenter Christoph Tsetinis combines traditional craftsmanship with innovative technology through his label Published By, designing bags and jewelry that are also works of art. The specialty of Published By lies in finding new technologies and twisting them until they can be used in entirely different contexts. For example, the label uses techniques from the automotive industry to develop completely new products in a completely different genre.

Published By was supported in 2017 through the funding program AFA support.



Austrian Fashion Association

Executive Producer

Camille Boyer / AFA


Jakob Kubizek / Jenseide

Interview & Coordination

Stephanie Rugel / AFA


Robert Oberzaucher / Jenseide


Sound Design

Martin Mitterstieler

Graphic Design

Additional Footage

Published By & AFA

Grants & awards

AFA Support Collection


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