Exhibition: Match!
An exhibition by the Departments of Applied Photography and Fashion at the University of Applied Arts.
21.06. – 1.07.2022, AFA Space
The exhibition MATCH! was a collaborative project between the Department of applied photography and the Department of fashion at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, focusing on the interdependence of these two fields.
The exhibited works question the concept of glamour, break with conventional behaviors in fashion, and showcase garments in various ways: idealized, neglected, staged, and distorted. These garments transform into creatures, beings, entities, or bodies, developing their own language, which is translated through photography.
The collaborative projects were presented by
Luca Celine Müller and Fritz Enzo Kargl with Yuliya Glasun
Magdalena Chan with Alisa Tegin
Dalmonia Rognean and Roozbeh Gholami with Marily Elmezoglou
Marie Haefner and Lydia Knöbl with Julia Nagl
Marie Luise Baumschlager with Pouran Parvizi
Hana Bei, Marija Dondović, Aaron Gaab and Oskar Ott with Jun Takeuchi
Rea Von Der Liszt, Elif Gündüz und Pia Heer with Oliver Kuzma
MATCH! was initiated in 2021 by Maria Ziegelböck, Monica Titton und Yasmina Haddad.

Fotocredits: Lydia Knoebl, Marie Haefner, Dalmoni Rognean, Roozbeh Gholami, Rea Djurovic, Elif Guenduez, Pia Heer, Marija Dondovic, Aaron Gaab, Hana Bei, Oskar Ott, Applied Photography Class die Angewandte
