Is Sustainability a Lie? Online-Talk with Veronica Bates Kassatly, in­dependent Ana­lyst

AFA Community

Since the awareness of environmental protection and sustainability has grown, many brands adorn themselves with various "sustainability" labels. How can consumers navigate this jungle? What makes a truly sustainable fashion label? And how can consumers inform themselves about the sustainability practices of companies?

18.04.2023, online

We discussed these and other questions in the AFA Community Online Talk with Veronica Bates Kassatly. As an independent analyst for sustainability claims in the clothing and leather sector, she enables companies and others to make and verify credible product impact and sustainability statements.n.

In addition to numerous other publications, Bates Kassatly is the lead author of The Great Green Washing Machine – a study on sustainability claims in fashion, co-authored with Prof. Baumann-Pauly of the University of Geneva and the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights.

Veronica Bates Kassatly is a former Fellow of the Overseas Development Institute and a former economist and financial analyst at the World Bank.

Link for the Online-Talk

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