Interview: Masa Stanic
This week, the young photographer Maša Stanić takes us into her cosmos.
To those in the know, she is also known by the pseudonym Mashi and for her rough, unfiltered perspective on situations and people. Under the title “Tomorrow Cancelled,” a selection of her works was showcased at the Take Festival 2019. Currently, Maša is studying Applied Photography and Time-Based Media at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

The specialty of my work is to make my life as exciting as possible and to spontaneously document what happens within that framework. I would describe my work as impulsive.

Corona completely crippled me personally, at least when it comes to my work. Since I rely on people and fun, and both were simply nonexistent in the traditional sense during that time, I tried to restructure myself photographically.

I quickly realized that it simply didn’t satisfy me to photograph differently than I was used to, so I started focusing on completely different things that had nothing to do with my work. And once I got used to this state of exception, I began to refocus on my studio again.

Currently, I'm not really reading, streaming, or listening to anything consciously. I'm often outdoors, and when I'm at home, crime documentaries usually run in the background on YouTube or Netflix while I'm doing something else.

Puzzling, doing Sudoku, tidying up, working, for example. Or I listen to the Narcos playlist over and over again.

My mind is nourished by freedom and authenticity. Being able to say that I'm truly doing what I want and how I want it. Staying true to myself and not bending my creativity to fit trends or other people's opinions. And I nourish my body with Subway sandwiches.

My crazy friends are the ones who make me laugh!

Recently, I've discovered my incredible love for Great Danes and have now set my mind on getting one.
Fotocredits: Masa Stanic
