MOB Industries about the comb­ination of fun­ction and aesthetics

How to fashion

How to Fashion is a project of the Austrian Fashion Association in cooperation with Wirtschaftsagentur Vienna.

In the fifth episode of the HOW TO FASHION video series, Josefine Thom, co-founder of the Vienna Adaptive Fashion label, speaks MOB Industries and “Role-Model” Billy Edel about the connection between function and aesthetics, practicality and coolness and how to break down barriers in fashion and in people’s minds.

The Viennese label MOB Industries makes fashion for people with and without physical limitations. When developing their garments, Josefine Thom and her business partner Johann Gsöllpointner turn common approaches on their head by setting the needs of wheelchair users as a norm, which is then adapted for people without disabilities. Josefine Thom’s aim is to see people with disabilities as a relevant target group for fashion as well as those without disabilities and to enable social participation through clothing.



Austrian Fashion Association

Executive Producer

Camille Boyer / AFA


Jakob Kubizek / Jenseide

Interview & Coordination

Stephanie Rugel / AFA


Robert Oberzaucher / Jenseide


Sound Design

Martin Mitterstieler

Graphic Design

Additional Footage

MOB Industries & AFA

Grants & awards

AFA Support Collection


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