Book-presentation and Talk with Dr. Daniel Kalt
State Wear: On the Relationship Between Politics and Fashion with Dr. Daniel Kalt, Editor-in-Chief of Die Presse Schaufenster
25.05.2023, AFA Space
How do politicians communicate through their clothing? What textile messages do Merkel, Kurz, Trump, and others send, and for what purpose? These and many other questions have been thoroughly examined by fashion journalist and editor-in-chief of Die Presse Schaufenster Die Presse Schaufenster who has written the book Staat tragen: Über das Verhältnis von Mode und Politik (State Wear: On the Relationship Between Fashion and Politics). Staat tragen: Über das Verhältnis von Mode und Politik.
In the AFA Community Talk, we spoke with him about political fashion codes, fashionable politicians, and political fashion labels.
Since Roland Barthes, we know that fashion is a form of communication, and we share a lot about ourselves through our clothing every day—whether we want to or not.
Public figures, like politicians, who depend on their popularity, try to use the textile messages they send to their advantage and channel them in specific directions. Dr. Daniel Kalt describes exactly how and for what purpose they do this in his book.
