Startstipendien Mode
The Startstipendien Mode of the BMKÖS are 6-month work grants aiming to promote artistic development and entry into the international fashion scene.
At least two of the five grants are dedicated to “Societal Challenges”. The focus of the support should encourage increased engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs, and their implementation in projects and collections.
Next Call: 2025
Grant Amount
EUR 9,000,- (EUR 1,500,-/month, 6 months)
Support & Inquiries
Dalma Monori
+43 660 440 0027
Funded talents
Who is this funding aimed at?
The Startstipendien Mode of Section IV Art and Culture of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service, and Sport are aimed at artistic talents and promote independent projects that serve artistic development.
This addresses:
- Graduates of a fashion program who wish to focus on the independent development of their previous work.
- Fashion designers with a degree and initial professional experience in the fashion industry, who wish to conceptualize their own ideas and implement concepts to independently enter the fashion industry.
- Fashion designers with a clear focus on innovation, research, new practices, and processes related to sustainability, circular economy, waste management, etc. in the field of fashion.
- Artists (e.g., research artists) working in the intersection of fashion.
„The Startstipendium will enable me to take the time to find my place in fashion and continue my explorations to find answers to a less wasteful and more circular way of creating.“
Sara Kickmayer
Applicants must either hold Austrian citizenship OR have their permanent residence in Austria.
The application by pupils or students is not possible. Individuals enrolled at a university or college are excluded from applying.
Applicants must have a relevant degree that was obtained no more than five years ago.
For those without a relevant degree, the birth date must be after December 31, 1988, and applications are possible until the age of 35.
In the case of starting a family, periods of child-rearing, or serious illness, an extension of the age limit of up to five years is possible.
Designers who have been granted funding by AFA Support cannot concurrently receive a Startstipendium.
Individuals who have already received a Startstipendium (regardless of the category) from the BMKÖS or formerly from the Federal Chancellery are ineligible to apply. The same applies to individuals who have received a foreign scholarship in the respective year.
An increased stipend of EUR 200 per month for a duration of 6 months is available if the applicant is receiving family allowance for at least one child at the time of application and is not living in a partnership (marriage, cohabitation, registered partnership) during the period of the applied-for grant. Proof of caregiving responsibilities must be provided in the form of confirmation of receiving family allowance.
The Austrian Fashion Association offers free consultation sessions to determine if the Startstipendium Mode is suitable for the individual. Together, the application process is discussed, and feedback is provided on the portfolio and proposed work.
Schedule an appointment at
The following steps must be completed before submission. Maximum file sizes must be strictly adhered to.
- Download application documents.
- Thoroughly read the provided information.
- Compile and digitize portfolio (maximum file size: 25 MB).
- Complete and sign the application form.
- Gather and, if necessary, update certificates, proof of residence, and resume.
For feedback on application documents, the Austrian Fashion Association team is available until one week before the deadline.
The application documents must be submitted both online and physically to the Austrian Fashion Association. Once the funding is announced, the “Apply Now” button will appear on this page, leading to the application form. Once the form is completed and all attachments have been uploaded, the application can be submitted by submitting the online form. The portfolio, resume, and application form must be sent by mail or delivered in person to the Austrian Fashion Association by appointment. The envelope must be clearly marked with the note “Startstipendium MODE”. The deadline is the date of receipt of the digital submission documents; by this date, the hard copy documents must also be received.
Submission Address:
Austrian Fashion Association
Lindengasse 27/1
1070 Wien
Applications submitted after the deadline, or applications with incomplete documentation, cannot be considered.
The allocation of the Startstipendien MODE is made based on the recommendation of an independent jury. Only complete applications are presented to the jury. All applicants will be informed of the outcome in writing. There will be no verbal justifications for the jury’s decisions. No liability is accepted for damage or loss of documents.
By accepting the grant, the grantees are obligated to submit a detailed report, including documentation, on their activities to the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service, and Sport, Section IV Art and Culture, Department IV/B/6, upon the expiration of the grant.
The report for the Startstipendium MODE consists of
- A written report
- Documentation material
The final report document will be provided by the BMKÖS. The report must be submitted no later than three months after the expiration of the grant to:
Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service, and Sport
Section IV Art and Culture
Department IV/B/6, Concordiaplatz 2, 1010 Vienna
Contact Person: Mag.a Olga Okunev,
Depending on the content of the project implemented within the framework of the Startstipendium MODE, various types of evidence can be provided for documentation. It is essential that the documentation is provided in a “portable” form (as a document in paper or electronic format) and allows for sufficient insight into the results of the work.
The documentation material should typically include:
- Created materials such as lookbooks, catalogs, invitation cards, and posters, video and audio material, screenshots of website and online documentation, etc.
- Documentation photos in print resolution (300 dpi)
- Work usage: Rights guarantee and work usage authorization
Documents for Documentation:
No, unfortunately, students cannot receive the Startstipendium Mode.
No, for each funding year, you can only apply for either AFA Support OR the Startstipendium Mode of the BMKÖS.
No, the Startstipendium Mode can only be awarded to each individual once.
No, according to the Art Promotion Act, the Startstipendium Mode is tax-free. (Federal Law of February 25, 1988 on the Promotion of Art from Federal Funds) § 3 (3) stipulates that only scholarships within the meaning of paragraph 1 Z 5 and prizes within the meaning of paragraph 1 Z 7 are exempt from income tax.
The Startstipendien Mode are awarded based on the recommendation of an independent expert jury. This jury changes annually and consists of representatives from various sectors of the fashion industry, including design, media, commerce, art, education, research, and promotion. The expert jury is appointed by the Austrian Fashion Association. To ensure the independence of the jury, the final confirmation of the jury is made by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service, and Sport (BMKÖS).
The justifications for funding recommendations by the jury are recorded. In the event of an application being declined, the Austrian Fashion Association can, upon request, provide verbal feedback to the applicant regarding the jury’s decision. Due to the consistently large number of submissions, detailed feedback is not feasible. However, separate consultation appointments with the AFA team can be arranged throughout the year.
There are no specific guidelines regarding the size of the portfolio. However, it’s important to ensure that the maximum file size of 25 MB is not exceeded and that the portfolio provides a coherent and compelling impression of your previous work.
- Portfolio or collection of previous works
- Possibly, already partially completed application documents
- Specific questions (e.g., about the various funding programs, application and award processes, project planning, distribution and marketing measures, etc.)
The jury meeting typically takes place in the first week of July. The results will be announced directly by email no later than one week thereafter.
The duration of the Startstipendium Mode is 6 months each, starting in August.
A Societal Challenges project could include themes such as circular economy, sustainability (fabrics, materials, including packaging), upcycling and recycling, engagement with new production processes, etc.