Interview: Mussels and Muscles
Was machen die Designer*innen und Designer, die mit AFA Support oder einem Starstipendium Mode gefördert werden? In unserer Kurzinterview-Reihe geben sie darüber Auskunft und erzählen, was sie sonst noch so bewegt!
Lea Köhn ist die Gründerin des Schmucklabels Mussels and Muscles und hat die Förderung AFA Support 2024 erhalten. Im Interview gibt sie darüber Auskunft, was sie damit anstellt, welche Accessoires für sie essenziell sind und was sie an Mode nicht leiden kann.

What will the AFA support funding enable you to do?
Yesterday I went to Loretto in Burgenland and visited a stonemason to do research for upcoming pieces. While looking at plates of marble, granite and onyx, I could completely focus on the WHY and didn’t have to think of the HOW, thanks to the AFA funding.

A fashion thing you couldn’t live without?
Underwear, socks (only in winter), earrings. It doesn’t need much actually to be honest.

What do you hate about fashion?
UFFFFFFF, there’s a whole lot, but here are my three picks: superficiality, short-livedness, Paris (just kidding).

If the street was your catwalk, which soundtrack would you choose?
Walking the streets with Bobby McFerrin – Improvicació 1 playing in the background would be enormously weird but fun.
Fotocredits: Alexa Sonsino, Manuel Haring

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AFA Support