Interview: Alessandro Santi
Was machen die Designer*innen und Designer, die mit AFA Support oder einem Starstipendium Mode gefördert werden? In unserer Kurzinterview-Reihe geben sie darüber Auskunft und erzählen, was sie sonst noch so bewegt!
Modedesigner Alessandro Santi erhielt 2024 die Förderung AFA Support. Uns hat er erzählt, was er damit vorhat, welche Filmszene ihn fasziniert und was sein aktuelles Go-To Piece ist!

What are your plans with the AFA Support funding you recieved?
The support gives me the financial ground to experiment and unravel new ideas following a non-conventional design process. With the aim to generate in dialogue with a community, with fellow queer or heteronormative-critic artists and performers.
Which fashion movie is your fave? Why?
My favorite fashion scene of all times is Fellini’s Ecclesiastic Vatican Fashion show in his film Roma (1972). Design, humor, performance, cast, set and light all on point.

What’s your Go-To Piece of the moment?
My personal Go-To Fashion pieces are my 3 euros thrifted Teva sandals. They are practical and a bit ugly so that they are cool again.
And a plastic glow in the dark frog pin.

Who is your style icon?
I don’t really have a style icon. But I have to admit that I am very much fascinated by John Waters‘ amazing characters‘ styles. Divine, Edith Massey… I guess in general people who dare and don’t care.
What are your three favorite songs?
Not sure if they are my favorites but definetely songs I love to listen to:
Nick Cave’s and Hyd’s version of Into my arms, Easter by The Softest Hard, and Christine and the Queens‘ iT.
Fotocredits: Fritz Enzo Kargl, Oskar Ott

Alessandro Santi & AFA
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AFA Support
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